We believe strongly in equality and inclusivity, and we welcome anyone from any background or nationality to join the club. Height, weight, gender, ethnicity, or age are not barriers to participation in this activity!
We are keenly interested in broadening participation further. Our club members and instructing team include men and women, spanning a wide age range, and hailing from different parts of the world. Teenagers are welcome, following our under-18s policy.
We can potentially adapt the activity to help if you have a disability; please feel able to contact us and chat with the instructor to see what we can do for you.
We refuse to be party to any racist, sexist, white-supremacist, or any other -ist or -ism agendas. Anyone and everyone will be perfectly welcome at this club, without any judgement, and will receive complete equality of opportunity to practise with us. Antisocial behaviour is unacceptable and will be addressed swiftly.
What we prioritise is personal effort. If you put in the effort, you will achieve success, and this equality of opportunity is what matters most in the club. Not everyone can or will be a national champion or international instructor, but everyone is capable of putting in the effort necessary to improve themselves week by week.
If learning to fence with the longsword appeals to you, then give it a go!
Read about what to expect for your first session.
Then book your attendance, and come along!